Okay, so I have obsessed myself with this Republican Faith Chat thing.. It's these backwards hicks who are super republican and completely ignorant. For example: (This is all copy and pasted from their website)
John McCain might be older than dirt and he probably gots ALZHEIMER but that is MUCH BETTER than being a terrorist. (Bloggers note: There is nothing like taken political advice from someone who says the word 'gots')
He likes war and that is good for the economy - they said so on FOX NEWS. (Bloggers note: And if Fox News said it must be true? Heaven for bid [and I mean that quite literally in this case] that we think for ourselves)
He hates murdering little fetus babys and that is OK to. (So long as a gal knows how to use a gallon of bleach, some Borax and a coat hanger then she don’t need no abortion clinics)" (Bloggers note: It's okay to kill babies with your at home baby-killing kit, bit not okay to have a professional do it? Self mutilation is okay in my book. It's the doctors that we need to stop)
Right? So.. Under another post entitled "The 'White' House is Call that for a Dang Reason!!!!" (The spelling error is not mine, but theirs. Just needed to point that out lol) one of the women wrote this: "OK, first off I ain’t prejudice. I’ve allowed plenty of black mens to rape me and never once call the police or Dateline or nothing. So I think that make me pretty open mind." Now, at first I thought it was a joke, because.. seriously? But my theory behind this is that the damn bitch is having sex outside of a marital status and that is such a big no-no that they "raped" her.And I can't forget one of my favorite quotes:
"First off — any gal that uses a tampon like it SUPPOSED to be used is doing nothing short of cramming a cotton dildo up her hoo-hoo. Everyone know what they up to and that dangling string done change a dang thing. It’s a cotton pee-pee in your hoo-hoo so done pretend it ain’t!"
She's right. I actually look forward to my period, because I can't wait to use my cotton dildo. I thought I was fooling people. =/
So there you have it boys and girls. I don't necessarily have a problem with republicans, I respect everyone's opinion. If I was republican I would be SO mad..
I mean really.. Would you want that attached to your beliefs?
Well I was pissed this morning having to get up this damn early for the democratic state convention breakfast but seeing as I just read that I feel totally invigorated and super excited to be up this early to be around a thousand people that DO NOT think that. My abs herd brom laughting so hard... the married hoochie was my favorite part.
Gotta admit though, June and Jodie do grow on you after awhile, lol.
lol At least they are amusing, Arn.
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