Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where have all the morals gone?

To be honest, when Anonymous commented on "A Smokers Always a Smoker When The Chips Are Down" when she (I know it's a she) said, " I'm sure you remember standing at that guys death bed, with only one lung and refusing to quit smoking" I wasn't sure what she was talking about. Then all of a sudden it hit me like a truck.

All these memories started flooding back to me. I remembered the smoke filled house, the guy, his mom, and even their dog. I remember playing outside with those little helicopter things that fall from trees. (Ya know, the things you can throw and they spin down) But most of all, I remember vowing never to smoke, which got me thinking. I remember all my "I will never..."s. Where have all the morals gone?

Maybe it's like those little helicopter things. It's a downward spiral. It starts out high, just like your hopes and falls down onto the dirty ground of realism. Or maybe, we are just floating until we figure out who we are, and where we want to land.


Anonymous said...

Downward spiral... How pessimistic. I like the second image better, floating through a misty world where the future is just an outline, and the only things you can make out are right beside you.

I had those same "I will never..."s, and most of them have come true. Some morals have even become stronger as I grew. I have never smoked, and never partook in drugs. I never borrow money, and only want what I can afford. I try to see people as who they are, and not what they do or say.

I don't think habits, good or bad, define you as a person. And I don't think morals just fade away. Like everything, they're weighed against current events and options in one's life... Without that balance system, people lose their sense of reason. Without the ability to say "Jeez, what was I thinking? X isn't so good/bad." we wouldn't grow as people.

And no one would eat Broccoli.